RNA-Seq Data Analysis Software

RNA-Seq data analysis software overview

Recommended for the Following People

✔︎ People do not want to outsource or collaborate with external researchers.

✔︎ People do not have time to study analysis methods themselves.

✔︎ People tried software from other companies but found it difficult to operate.

Easily Conduct RNA-Seq Data Analysis even for a Beginner

This web-based software enables even beginners to easily conduct RNA-Seq data analysis without the need for a high-performance computer or programming skills.


Starting with either raw RNA-Seq data (FASTQ files/public data) or expression tables (CSV/TSV files), users can perform gene expression quantification, identification of differentially expressed genes, gene ontology(GO) analysis, pathway analysis, as well as drawing volcano plots, MA plots, and heatmaps.



Quantification of Gene Expression

This feature quantifies gene expression levels from raw data (FASTQ files/public data).

Quantification of Gene Expression

Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes

This feature lists differentially expressed genes between different conditions.

Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes


Visualization of gene expression levels. Clustering is also performed simultaneously to place similar genes near each other.


principal Component Analysis(PCA)

Visualization of similarity between samples using principal component analysis.

principal Component Analysis(PCA)

Hierarchical Clustering

Visualization of similarity between samples using hierarchical clustering.

Hierarchical Clustering

MA plot

Plot of mean expression levels on the x-axis and expression changes on the y-axis.

MA plot

Volcano plot

Plot of expression changes on the x-axis and statistical significance on the y-axis.

Volcano plot

Gene Ontology(GO) Analysis / Pathway Analysis

This feature detects Gene Ontology terms and pathways enriched in differentially expressed genes.

Gene Ontology(GO) Analysis / Pathway Analysis

Details of Analysis

Explanation of the Analysis Conducted.

Details of Analysis

Data Sharing

Users can share data just by entering an email address.

Data Sharing


All features are available for 24 USD per month.

Our softwareOther company's softwareContracted service

7-day free trial

Monthly Plan: 24 USD/month

Annual Plan: 120 USD/year

About several thousand USD/yearAbout several hundred USD/analysis
PC SetupNo NeedRequiredNo Need
ParametersFreely configurableFreely configurablespecified by provider
DeliveryAvailable immediatelyInquiry to sales requiredSeveral days to weeks

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there support for how to use the service and for understanding the analysis methods?

If you have any issues, please feel free to contact us.

What file formats can be uploaded?

You can upload FASTQ files (uncompressed/gzip compressed) as raw data, and CSV/TSV files as expression tables.

Can I get a receipt?

We will send the receipt via email.

What is an expression table?

It is a table outputting the number of reads mapped to each gene. When you use our service for gene expression quantification, you will obtain both the raw count and the normalized TPM values.

Example of Expression Table